Tajweed Course for beginner Part-17
THE MUDOOD (LENGTHENINGS) PART 3 أحكام المدود الجزء الثالث
The Secondary(Derived) Madd divided into:
1- The madd due to hamzah.
A-The Required Joined Lengthening.
B-The Allowed Separated Lengthening.
C-The Greater Connective Lengthening.
2-The madd due to sukoon.
A-The Presented Sukoon Lengthening.
B-The Soft Lengthening.
C-The Compulsory Lengthening.
First : lengthening caused by a Hamzah:
1-The Required Joined Madd (AL-Madd AL-Waajib AL-Muttasil ) المـد الواجـب المتــصـل
Waajib means “Mandatory” and the Muttasil means “Joined”
If a Madd letter [ ا or و or ى [ is followed by a Hamzah ( ء ,(which is present in the same word, the reader should prolong it 4-5 beats.
Requirements :
- Natural Madd letter
- Followed by a hamza (ء (in the same ( متصل ( word
Effect :
- The sound is elongated by 4 or 5 counts obligatory واجب
Further Notes :
- If recitation is stopped , it is elongated 4, 5 or 6 counts
2-The Separate Allowed Lengthening( AL-Madd AL-Jaa’ez AL-Munfasil ) الــمـــد الجــائز المنـفصـل
Jaa’ez Means: “permitted”. Munfasil means “Seperated”.
If a Madd Letter [ ا or و or ى [ present at the end of a word is followed by a Hamzah ( ء (which is present in the beginning of the next word, the reader is supposed to prolong the Madd letter 4-5 beats which is Madd Jaa’ez Munfasil .
Requirements :
- Natural Madd letter
- Followed by a hamza ( ء (in the next/separate ( منفصل ( word
Effect :
- The sound is elongated by 4 or 5 counts.
- However, according to the way of Tayyibah outlined by Imam Ibn AlJazaree in An-Nashr, it is permissable to shorten it to 2 counts, hence its name ‘jaa’iz’ . جاىز
If the reader stops on a word that ends with Madd sign like ~الذى the Madd will be considered as Madd Tabee’ee (2 beats) مد طبيعى
3- The Greater Connecting Lengthening (Madd Assilah Alkubra) مــد الصـلة الكبـرى
If the pronoun/possessive pronoun ( هـ ـه ( هاء الضمير
representing a third person male gender is at the end of a word (meaning not part of the original make up of the word) and it has a vowel of a dhammah or a kasrah, is between two voweled letters,
And the first letter of the next word is a hamzah, the dhammah on the pronoun/possessive pronoun هـ is lengthened into a واو or the kasrah is lengthened into a ٌاءand it can be lengthened four or five counts, it is permissible two counts not the way we taught here.