–Tafkheem and Tarqeeq Part-3 التــفــخــيـــم والتــرقــيــق الجزء الثالث
3-The Letter Raa (را)
The Raa ( را ) letter has fourteen cases:
- The Eight cases in which the raa ( را ) has Tafkheem.
- The Four Cases in Which the raa ( را ) has Tarqeeq.
- The Cases Where Both Tafkheem and Tarqeeq are Allowed of the ( را ) raa
Heavy Raa (Tafkhem):
- If it carries a fatha such as in: (رَمَضَان).
- If it carries a dhamma as in: ( كَفَرُوا ).
- If the ra has a permanent sukoon and it is preceded by a fatha or a dhamma in the same word.
- If the ra has a permanent sukoon, and it preceded by a permanent kasra in the same word, BUT is followed by a heavy letter, it will be heavy.
- If the ra has a permanent sukoon, but the kasra is in the previous word, the ra will also be heavy.
- If the ra has a permanent sukoon, but it preceded by a temporary kasra, it will also be heavy.
- If the ra has a temporary sukoon, but is preceded by a fatha or a dhamma, or an alif, or wow madiyyah it will be heavy.
- If the ra has a temporary sukoon and is preceded by another letter with sukoon, we will look at the letter before that. If that letter has a fatha or dhamma, the ra will be heavy.
Light Raa (Tarqeeq):
- Ra has a kasra.
- The ra carries a permanent sukoon, and is preceded by a kasra in the same word, AND no heavy letter follows it.
- The ra carries a temporary sukoon, and is preceded by a kasra in the same word.
- The ra carries a temporary sukoon, and is preceded by a ya sakinah.
- If the ra has a temporary sukoon and is preceded by another letter with sukoon, we will look at the letter before that. If that letter has a kasra, the ra will be light.
- The ra carries a permanent sukoon, and is preceded by a kasra in the same word, AND a heavy letter follows it in the next word.
The Cases Where Both Tafkheem and Tarqeeq
1- ( مِصْرَ ) – — – ->
If you continue, then it’s always heavy.
If you stop, then you are have two options, light and heavy (preferred).
Reason: Although the ra sakinah is preceded by a kasra, there is a heavy letter before the ra. Appears in Surah Yusuf verses 21 and 99, Surah Az Zukhraf verse 51, Surah Younus ayah 87.
2- ( وَنُذُرِ ) ——>
If you continue, it’s light.
If you stop, it can be light (preferred) or heavy, because there is a ya that has been deleted here. This word was originally وَنُذُرِ . Appears in Surah Al Qamar, verses 16, 18, 21, 30, 37, and 39.
3- (الْقِطْرِ ) —–>
When continuing, always light.
If you stop, it can be light or heavy (no preference).
4-( كُلُّ فِرْقٍ ) —–>
While continuing, you can also read the Ra as light or heavy. Also, when stopping it can read as light or heavy.
Appears in Surah Ash Shu’ara, ayah 63 .
5-(یسر أن أسر فأسر ) —->
When continuing, it’s always light.
When stopping, heavy or light (preferred). There is a ya that has been deleted here. The first one appears in Surah Al Fajr ayah 4.
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